I've bought this piano to learn to actually play instead of just hitting the keys as I did on synths. I've searched for something that could easily connect to iPad and to return the signal to speakers (like AUX over USB) while also processing midi, since it's easy to hook up to apps and still hear the piano and the apps (it's working like a sound card), so it's great.
Headphones work with that as well. The keys have a nice feel (for me, this is first piano so I can't compare to anything), it has nice dynamics and that's the biggest difference between synth or midi controller feel.
I only use the piano sound and I've bought it to play piano, I'm not interested in other sounds. I have my computer with Arturia and other plugins/instruments for that, I just wanted a simple on/off piano that can connect to apps so it's easier to learn and it's a simple setup, and this is it.
I've got it with K&M 18993 stand and it's rock solid.
Next step, when I learn piano a bit more is to get MODX6+ and use this piano as a controller for it. It's kinda the same price as if I get MODX8+, but if I surpass this keybed I can get another one while still having MODX6+, which would be redundant with 88 key version.
9000/10 rating :)